Johnston, Rhode Island Shows The Path Forward
Raising The First Sails On Our Next Voyage Into The Unknown
The town of Johnston, Rhode Island unveiled a statue of Christopher Columbus last Monday. The unveiling was the high point of the town’s celebration of the day when Americans and Europeans commemorate and honor the Admiral of The Oceans. Johnston’s town leadership took ownership of the statue after Providence mayor Jorge Elorza unilaterally removed the statue in June, 2020, pre-empting Providence’s formal procedures for erecting or removing historical monuments.
(Statue of Christopher Columbus: Reclaimed and Raised in Johnston, Rhode Island 10/8/2023)
It is a wonderful thing that this beautiful statue was claimed by a town before it was destroyed or melted down as so many of our historical monuments have been. The mayor, townspeople and everyone involved in this act of reclamation and preservation is to be praised and commended for acting swiftly and resolutely to preserve this part of our heritage.
The people of Johnston have done something more than reclaim and raise a statue. They have shown the entire American nation the path forward. When a nation or territory is conquered the first acts of the conqueror are to remove all traces of the conquered people’s statuary, art, history and customs and practices and to erect a new set of such things in their place. We cannot and we must not deny that our country is no longer ours. We must confront the bitter truth of the reality that we are a people whose country is, at best, occupied and, at worst, conquered.
As Johnston has shown, while we may have been dispossessed of our country, Our Nation will not be conquered. That is, a country can be conquered, but A People can refuse to kneel. Johnston did not just honor Columbus, they began the process of our people preserving our heritage, our customs, our traditions, and the memory of our great men and heroes for our posterity. The process of Columbus’ erasure in Providence is playing out all across America. The process is simple and it goes as follows:
Displace/replace the majority Historic American Nation with a foreign people through mass immigration.
Fill the immigrants with enmity toward America and the American people.
Help the immigrants establish beach heads and then become the majority in a town, city and state.
The immigrants join with other aggrieved, pre-existing minority populations to gain political power.
The colonizers then act and become conquerors and display their newfound political power by:
Defiling and then removing American historical monuments
Attacking the moral claims and legitimacy of Americans and America by:
Replacing American history with a new history where America and Americans are demonized and vilified
The former minorities are given moral claims, moral authority and conquering legitimacy by casting them as victims of the people they are colonizing, even as they have been handed the country and assume political power.
Replacing the school curriculum with the above and falsifying our history and replacing it with false narratives.
Normalizing the demonizing of America and the American people by teaching the American children and their new conqueror’s children this false history and steeping them in this false narrative.
Systematically conquering the virtual territory/habitat of the American people by instituting quotas and biases in all institutions that favor the conquerors and dispossess the American majority. (schools; jobs; military …)
Showing imagery through all media channels that make it appear to the conquered Americans as if they barely exist; if they do it is largely as subservients, buffoons, cuckholds and villains.
Replace or usurp the American people’s holidays, festivals, religious traditions, anthems, with new ones or through parallel longer running holidays and bastardization of the existing ones.
Have the Commander-In-Chief violate the nation’s flag codes.
The sins of our ancestors, purported or otherwise, were just a leading excuse for the revolution. Now they come for every one of our ancestors as they come for us. The globalist oligarchs who waged this color revolution and their vanguard in the streets, museums, schools, military and government are bent on the destruction of the country and ultimately, the people who built it. In Wisconsin they tore down the statue of Col. Hans Christian Heg - an ardent abolitionist. New York is poised to remove George Washington and James Madison statuary. They no longer hide behind the pretext for conquest. We are all devils now.
This should be a wake-up call to the European descended American politicians and collaborators in this conquest of Our Nation. Today you act like sniveling cowards, refusing to defend your ancestors and your contemporary Americans. Tomorrow, your chance will be gone and your children, vilified and reduced to a minority will be shown no mercy. At best they will be deracinated, second class citizens; at worst, an American Boer. It is happening before your eyes. Worse still are the traitors burning their own civilization to the ground and prostrating as they forfeit everything their ancestors handed them. All revolutions turn on the unwitting tools who collaborate in the early days.
From the depths of my soul, I thank you the great people of Johnston, Rhode Island. You have stood up for America, for Americans and the European history and ancestry of our people. A people are a nation, and a nation is a people. We must all look to Johnston and its great people and take action exactly as they have. Claiming, erecting, polishing and celebrating our historical monuments is just the first step.
We must build our own towns and cities and fill them with our history, and populate them with our children. We must protect our children and make them capable of protecting themselves and our history, culture, identity and sense of peoplehood. We must do so, by taking responsibility for creating the school curriculums that will be that enabling foundation. We must hold our teachers and students to the highest standards. We must all demand of ourselves and reap the rewards of proving worthy of the mathematicians, shipbuilders, scientists, technologists, cartographers, oceanographers, engineers, financiers and daring explorers involved in the missions that we celebrate when we celebrate Christopher Columbus.
Let us all lift our voices, reach out to and thank the people of Johnston, Rhode Island. You have done yourselves, your children and our people a great service. You are an honor to all of us. You are the Columbus of our time. For you have raised the first sails for yourselves and for our people as we embark into the unknown on our mission to prevent Our destruction and to claim for ourselves and our posterity the transcendent glory of resuming and pursuing our destiny. God bless each and every one of you.